Want a girlfriend? There’s an AI for that

Want a girlfriend but real life isn’t working out so well in that department? Well are you in luck in 2023, because there’s an AI for that.

Yup, dating an artificially intelligent being wasn’t just a concept for the movie Her. You can now have an instant girlfriend, boyfriend or best friend without ever leaving your home, or even hopping on a dating app.

The number of AI-powered virtual companion apps has been increasing in recent years, including those marketed as virtual girlfriends or boyfriends. Just a quick search in the App Store and you’ll have more results than you know what to do with, from apps like Laura, My Virtual Manga Girl, My Virtual Girlfriend, Smart Virtual Girlfriend, My Virtual Girlfriend Julie, Virtual Lover, My Robot Girlfriend, Replika and more.

It's worth noting that the use of these apps and their potential impacts on users' well-being and relationships is still a subject of debate and ongoing research. But there’s clearly a market for them in an era when we all seem to be getting a little more isolated, lonely and single. Replika’s Virtual AI friend is #23 on the App Store’s Health and Fitness chart and has 203,000 reviews.


A recent survey found that nearly 30% of adults in the United States reported feeling lonely, with younger generations being more likely to experience loneliness. This highlights a growing need for companionship and connection, even if it comes in the form of an AI virtual girlfriend.

On the one hand, having an AI girlfriend could be great. She'll never hassle you about leaving the toilet seat up or forget your birthday. Plus, she's always there for you when you need her, ready to chat and offer support. I’m not sure we want to know what sexting with an AI girlfriend is like, but surely its happening.

On the other hand, she's not real. Sure, she can simulate human-like conversations and even learn your preferences over time, but at the end of the day, she's just a bunch of code. Plus, an AI isn’t going to be there for you in person when you need her.

And let's not forget about the potential ethical issues that come with creating an AI girlfriend. Does it perpetuate the objectification of women and the unrealistic standards of beauty and behavior? Does it encourage unhealthy or even dangerous attitudes toward women? These are important questions that we should be asking as we continue to develop and market these products.


But there are signs that these AI girlfriends aren’t likely being developed by the most progressive minds. One app called The AI Girlfriend is described in its App Store listing as a “love simulator” who can “be your perfect soulmate.” The app description reads, “You’ll never get bored with her.”

I assume this is in comparison to us boredom-inducing real women. And don’t worry about those pesky human traits like whether she might be too busy to talk or not like some part of your personality because according to the app description, “The AI Girlfriend doesn’t judge you. With her, you don’t have to feel shy or worry about anything else than yourself. It feels exactly like talking to a real soulmate, who cares and understands and listens.”

Oh boy. I’ll leave a more thoughtful analysis to more qualified professionals in sociology, psychology and tech. There’s a lot to unpack there.

Whether you are for and against the emergence of AI girlfriends, the market for these products is likely to continue growing as more and more people seek out companionship and connection. Just remember that there's no substitute for real human connection and intimacy.


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